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Niclas Weimar Claudius Jehle, Dricus De RooijNiclas Weimar Claudius Jehle, Dricus De Rooij
News July 11, 2024 // EN

Sinovoltaics launches BESSential quality control featuring volyticas battery diagnostics

Sinovoltaics, a global leader in quality assurance for the battery energy storage system (BESS) and solar photovoltaic (PV) industries, has launched its BESSential analysis service, offering 100% battery pack review. The groundbreaking service, which detects and corrects thermal, electrical, and capacity imbalance issues directly at the BESS factory, was launched in partnership with volytica diagnostics, a pioneer in the development of cloud-based battery diagnostics software.
A female engineer or electrical technician wearing an orange vest and hard hat stands holding a notepad and smiling while working outdoors
Blog July 17, 2024 // EN

100 Percent Test Depth for Battery Commissioning

Careful commissioning is essential to ensure reliable and efficient operation of stationary battery storage systems. Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT), i.e. acceptance tests after the battery storage system has been manufactured, and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT), i.e. acceptance tests after installation on site, play a central role.
Podcast June 28, 2024 // EN

New Front Lines Podcast – Category Visionaries: Claudius Jehle

Listen to another episode of Category Visionaries, presented by Front Lines, where the most innovative B2B tech founders share their go-to-market strategies. This episode features Claudius Jehle, CEO and co-founder of Volytica Diagnostics, an innovative battery diagnostics platform that has raised over $9 million in funding.
Video June 20, 2024 // DE

Bedeutung der Batteriebewertung für den Gebrauchtwagenmarkt

Auf der MobiCon 2024 erörtern Claudius Jehle und Manuel Hagemann die Bedeutung der Batteriebewertung für den Gebrauchtwagenmarkt.


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